The QUEST revolution Change of strategy as a synonym for success




Positioning, marketing, consumer behavior, strategy


A marketing strategy, carried out efficiently by companies, is an important component that adds value to their competitive advantage. This case of study aims to analyze a Colombian company that has successfully carried out the strategy, positioning its brand and conquering new segments in the Colombian domestic market. First, different conceptualizations about brand positioning, customer loyalty and experiential marketing, were introduced. Then, the case of study is developed based on in-depth interviews with key people of the company. Information about the planning and the execution of the strategy and the results of it, was obtained. It is concluded that the carried out plan was efficient and successful because it allowed the company to meet their goals of market positioning.


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Author Biographies

Leidy Vanessa Zuluaga Gómez, Mg., Universidad Icesi

Professional in Economics and International Business. MBA Icesu University. Office Coordinator of Foreign Trade and Marketing Zone Icesi University.

Luciana Manfredi, Dr., Universidad Icesi

Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Business Universidad Icesi. Ph D. Tulane University. MBA Icesi University / Tulane University.


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How to Cite

Zuluaga Gómez, L. V., & Manfredi, L. (2021). The QUEST revolution Change of strategy as a synonym for success. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 16(31).
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