Location of companies of the commerce sector in Bogotá in 2015:

verification of agglomeration dynamics





Accessibility, Bogotá, Trade, Geographic location decisions, Agglomeration economies


The text is based on the doctoral thesis prepared by one of the authors within the framework of the Doctorate in Management Sciences at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia. The research studied the relationship between the development of the city's BRT transport system and the location decisions made by companies in Bogotá. There, the evolutionary dynamics of the location of the companies and the urban morphology of the city during the years 2005, 2010 and 2015 are verified.

This article presents the results of the evaluation of Moran I test index as evidence of the distribution typology for companies in the commercial sector in 2015. This evaluation analyzed in conjunction with results obtained through the use of other spatial distribution indicators allow us to affirm that, the figure of urban distribution that in the 70's of the 20th century corresponded to the category of monocentrism and that at the beginning of the 2000s corresponded to the category of polycentricism, in 2015 it had been transformed responding to the principles of the category that in the literature is known as specialized polycentrism. This category is considered as an indicator of the presence of business agglomeration dynamics in the city.

In conclusion, it is highlighted that the results of the study demonstrate the hypothesis whose verification is announced in the title and which in turn becomes the statement of the problem: the city of Bogotá and in particular the companies in the commerce sector demonstrate the presence of dynamics of agglomeration, responding to the main postulates of this theory.


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Author Biography

Diego Rafael Roberto Cabrera-Moya, Ph.D., Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Doctor en Ciencias de la Dirección Ph. D de la Universidad del Rosario, M. Sc en Dirección de la Universidad del Rosario, M.Sc. en Administración de la Universidad de la Salle, Especialista en Gerencia de Mercadeo de la Universidad de la Salle e Ingeniero Industrial de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Becario Doctoral y Par evaluador MinCiencias, Colombia.

Profesor asociado II en la Escuela de Administración, Contaduría y Mercadeo de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano en Bogotá, Colombia. diegor.cabreram@utadeo.edu.co.



Becario Doctoral y Par evaluador Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación de Colombia (COLCIENCIAS), registrado en el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de Colombia CvLac.

El tema principal de sus investigaciones actuales se relaciona con los Sistemas de Transporte Público Masivo.

El tema principal de sus investigaciones actuales se relaciona con el Estudio estratégico de las organizaciones, los Sistemas de Transporte Público y la productividad asociada a las decisiones de posicionamiento geográfico y a la generación de empleo en las empresas. Actualmente desarrolla investigaciones y producción intelectual relacionada con su tesis doctoral sobre el Desarrollo de los sistemas de transporte público masivo y su relación con las decisiones estratégicas de posicionamiento geográfico y de generación de empleo de las empresas.


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How to Cite

Cabrera-Moya, D. R. R., & Prieto-Rodríguez, G. A. (2021). Location of companies of the commerce sector in Bogotá in 2015: : verification of agglomeration dynamics. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 17(32). https://doi.org/10.18270/cuaderlam.v17i32.3292
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