Profiles of involvement of consumers of sports equipment in the city of Santiago de Cali


  • Luis Enrique David Tenorio IU Escuela Nacional del Deporte
  • Mg. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali
  • Rojas Alexis Universidad de Manizales



consumer involvement, consumer behavior, Sports Equipment


There is little empirical evidence on the relationship between the involvement of the product from the consumer approach; especially when it comes to the sporting goods retail sector.

This research aims to determine the degree of consumer involvement in the city of Santiago de Cali, which will allow companies in the sector in the country to offer new lines of products according to characteristics designed for their satisfaction.

The methodology used in the present is based on a study in a quantitative approach and as an instrument for collecting information, the survey was used, based on the IP6 instrument.

As the main result, it was found that the dimension that weighs the most at the time of purchase is perceived pleasure, although there are no significant differences between each dimension


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Author Biographies

Mg., Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali

Master in education - Universidad Javeriana. Teacher - IU National School of Sports. GICEAD research group.

Rojas Alexis, Universidad de Manizales

Master in Marketing - University of Manizales. Teacher - Technical and Agricultural Institution


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How to Cite

David Tenorio, L. E., Cruz González, N., & Rojas Ospina, A. (2021). Profiles of involvement of consumers of sports equipment in the city of Santiago de Cali. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 17(32).
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