Modelo Integral de Evaluación de Proveedores de Servicios de Mantenimiento con Énfasis en la Seguridad


  • Ludy Magnolia Valdez Martínez Docente
  • Myriam Araceli Martínez Rodríguez
  • Beatriz Eugenia Silva y Rodríguez García
  • Martín Guerrero Posadas



Suppliers, Supplier Evaluation, Maintenance Services Evaluation, Occupational Safety and Health Practices


The objective was to develop a model to comprehensively evaluate the performance of maintenance service providers with an emphasis on safety. The research had a qualitative approach and the type of design was the case study of an automotive company dedicated to the design and development of chassis. Observation, in-depth interview and focus groups were used. Finally, the elements of the model were designed, which consists of four instruments to evaluate the performance of service providers: (a) by the purchasing area, (b) maintenance, (c) safety and hygiene and (d) to evaluate to the company itself by the suppliers. In addition, the model is made up of the tool for monitoring service incidents and the comprehensive evaluation of the service. The instrument validation was carried out by the area managers and the plant manager.


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How to Cite

Valdez Martínez, L. M., Martínez Rodríguez, M. A., Silva y Rodríguez García, B. E., & Guerrero Posadas, M. (2022). Modelo Integral de Evaluación de Proveedores de Servicios de Mantenimiento con Énfasis en la Seguridad. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 18(34).
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