Self-perceived job performance

exploring factors and consequences


  • Gabriela Álvarez Martínez Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Maria Camila Mantilla Quintero Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Orlando Enrique Contreras Pacheco Universidad Industrial de Santander



organizational behavior, correlational study, work performance,, structural equation modeling


The purpose of this work is to evaluate the possible association between self-perceived work performance versus different organizational variables, such as happiness, motivation, job satisfaction, work commitment, job-person fit and financial compensation. To this end, through a self-administered cross-sectional instrument, the study addresses the perceptions of a sample of a company worker in the commercial sector of northeastern Colombia. In order to analyze the data, and to examine the relationships between these variables, the study applies a partial least squares-structural equation model. When considering work performance as a consequent variable, hypotheses are accepted where motivation and satisfaction are considered as antecedent variables. However, when performing a second model with inverse hypotheses, the study corroborates a significant relationship between self-perceived work performance and all the organizational variables under study. These results ratify the importance of considering multiple factors to improve organizational results of workers into a business environment. Additionally, they suggest that, beyond traditional knowledge, workers' own perception of their own work performance could also be considered as a positive activator of various organizational behaviors, something that can motivate its potential use and application in similar future studies.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Martínez, G., Mantilla Quintero, M. C., & Contreras Pacheco, O. E. (2024). Self-perceived job performance: exploring factors and consequences . Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 20(38).
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