Higher education and its impact on the generation of entrepreneurship

the case of the National Sports School


  • Luis Enrique David Tenorio IU Escuela Nacional del Deporte




Competences, company, education, environment, student


Entrepreneurship constitutes one of the development pillars of any economy, the foregoing due to the development and creation of companies with micro, small and medium sizes, called MiPyMes, which constitute the largest participation in the conformation of the business fabric, creating jobs and wealth for its generators, this perception leads to countries such as Colombia, being a developing economy, generating more spaces for the promotion of entrepreneurship, with universities being one of these.

The objective of this research is to show what impact university education generates on the creation of entrepreneurship by analyzing the environment in which the student finds himself, his vision of the future and the skills developed around entrepreneurship.

For the above, a descriptive methodology was used from the participation of the institution in the GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP SURVEY STUDENT'S SPIRIT (GUESSS), with a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, given the difficulties presented by the suspension of face-to-face classes, with the participation of 152 people between students and graduates of the three faculties of the institution.

The main result was the positive participation that higher education can have in the generation of entrepreneurship by creating a positive environment for it, strengthening entrepreneurial skills and bringing the student closer to entrepreneurship, creating a positive perception of it.


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How to Cite

David Tenorio, L. E. (2022). Higher education and its impact on the generation of entrepreneurship : the case of the National Sports School. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 17(33). https://doi.org/10.18270/cuaderlam.v17i33.3742
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