Information For Authors

The Journal is a semiannual scientific publication for the dissemination of research topics and original studies (in accordance with current regulations on copyright and unpublished character) related to the areas of knowledge of economic, administrative, financial, accounting, international business, and related sciences. , which are articulated with the research lines of the Faculty in:

Business. society and quality of life.
Global environment and business.
Organizational development and leadership.
Entrepreneurship, innovation and prospective.
New marketing trends
Global processes, accounting and international finance.
Comprehensive accounting management.
Habits and healthy lifestyles.
Green Markets.

The opinions expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and although they are endorsed in terms of methodological and conceptual rigor by the Editor, the Editorial Committee and the evaluating peers, they do not commit the University El Bosque. The Journal will give publication priority to scientific and technological research articles.

Below are the basic instructions that a manuscript must comply to be considered in the evaluation and publication process by the Editorial Committee of the Journal, namely:

The manuscript or article must comply with the application of international standards, in this case of the APA, accepted for the Social Sciences. The APA style standards to apply correspond to the sixth edition.
The length of the articles should have an average of twenty-five (25) pages, in Times New Roman 12, a space and a half (1.5) in letter size and following APA standards. Articles must be transcribed in Word for Windows.

To make the submission, the author must first register at later by entering the Documents option, available at  the author must complete and upload the requested formats to the platform.
It is noted that the receipt of the articles and the evaluation process, does not ensure their immediate publication, nor a specific period for inclusion in a certain number. But, by sending the article to the direction of the Magazine, the author acquires the commitment not to submit it simultaneously to the consideration of other magazines or publications.
The concepts, value judgments or criteria expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors, and although they are evaluated in terms of methodological and conceptual rigor by the Editor and Editorial Committee, they do not commit to El Bosque University. The author must deliver the document with APA application and following the textual structure expressed in the editorial policy, namely:

Title (optional subtitle): must be consistent with the research question, objective and research hypothesis and be limited to a maximum (15) words.
Author data (s): full names (without initial letters); Academic training; ID number; Email, telephone and cell phone; Institutional affiliation (name of the entity to which it is linked).
Type of article to be published: scientific and technological research article; reflection article; review article; case report; short article.
Summary: it constitutes the essential content of the research report (includes problem statement, methodology, most important results and main conclusions), with a limit between 150 and 200 words, according to APA.
Keywords: they are the most relevant meanings that are developed in the investigation. Three to five keywords must be submitted in alphabetical order.
Abstract: translation of the abstract in English.
Summary: translation of the summary in Portuguese.
Abbreviations: most recurrent acronyms used in the development of research.
Introduction: refers to the state of the art of the research topic, from the point of view of historical, legal, conceptual and theoretical background. It includes the problem statement (the general context, research question, objectives and justification), as well as its limitations.
Theoretical framework: it is the state of the art of the research question, which constitutes the referential framework of the research, with the research background and theories to handle.
Methodology: corresponds to the approach of: Research hypothesis; Kind of investigation; Analysis of the population involved; Analysis of variables; Statistical models or techniques to use in research.
Results: it is the presentation of the results, through the use of indicators of the research variables, through figures, tables, according to APA.
Discussion: it is related to the analysis of results obtained from the investigation.
Conclusions: they represent the contributions of researchers to the solution of the research problem, supported by the results and equivalent studies.
Bibliographic references: they correspond only to the technical file of the bibliographic references referenced in the research text, in accordance with the APA style standards.
Annexes: they are supporting documents of the investigation, which serve to support. The Editorial Committee considers that research articles should have an average length of (25) pages, including bibliography. Documents in Spanish and other languages, such as English and Portuguese, are accepted.

Finally, all articles submitted for publication will be analyzed or verified in an anti-plagiarism program.

The author or authors of the articles published in the Latin American Administration Notebooks, will assign the economic rights to the Universidad El Bosque, but will retain the moral rights.