Analysis of educational toy packaging design, through neuromarketing.




Marketing, Neurosciences, Neurodisciplines, Neuromarketing


As a result of the combination of the Neuroscience with marketing, arises neuromarketing, as a research discipline, taking advantage the advances of technology. This new field of knowledge, goes further of traditional tools of quantitative and qualitative research, and focusing in brain reactions of the consumers in front of the marketing stimuli (Reimann, 2011). us, the present investigation, seeks to answer the question of ¿how to improve the efficiency of packaging design in educational toys, through the neuromarkenting? using knowledge and techniques of neuroscience and qualitative research techniques, in order to reach designs appropriate to the needs of brands, advertisers and consumers, and to achieve that, people make better purchasing decisions


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Biografia do Autor

David Juárez Varón, Dr., Universitat Politècnica de València, España

Associate Professor Polytechnic University of Valencia. Director of the Master in Marketing and Business Communication Management, Master in Digital Marketing and Communication and Master in Applied Neuromarketing.

Victoria Tur-Viñes, Dra., Universidad de Alicante, España

Victoria Tur-Viñes, Ph.D. Professor of the Department of Advertising and Psychology at the University of Alicante (Spain) since 2000. Her research interests include scientific publication; advertising creativity and children's communication. She is editor in chief of the Mediterranean Journal of Communication. Coordinates the Latin American Platform of Communication Magazines. He is a member of the research group of the Scientific Center of Social Sciences Journals.


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Como Citar

Juárez Varón, D., Tur-Viñes, V., & Mengual Recuerda, A. (2019). Analysis of educational toy packaging design, through neuromarketing. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 15(28).



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