Return on investment in human capital and wage discrepancies by gender in the municipality of Villavicencio (Colombia) between 2008 and 2020




employment, human capital, salary, salary differences, unemployment


Historically, gender inequality has manifested itself in different ways in different regions of the world, and this discrepancy has given rise to a series of appraisals regarding economic growth, and its relationship with the profitability of investment in human capital, since traditionally the educational level of a person increases his productive capacity and therefore their remuneration; This is why the educational and cultural level of a country's population is one of the main determinants of its social and economic development.

However, it is important to note that research results on this topic show how educational inequality can affect growth, but do not indicate that the fact that women invest in education guarantees them better income or job opportunities. For this reason, the purpose of this analysis of the return on investment in education was approached from a competitiveness perspective, taking into account that advances in training and experience represent a significant impact on the productive results of the labor factor, as well as the wage discrepancies by gender.

For this purpose, an econometric model of Mincerian type estimated through the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method was developed; that by means of a cross-sectional analysis it was possible to quantify the IRR of education and the incidence that the accumulation of human capital has through the increase in educational levels, on the salary improvements of individuals; in order to describe the behavior of this variable in Villavicencio and thus analyze its trend during the years under study and the salary differentiation between whether it is a man or a woman.


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Author Biographies

Germán Fuentes Rodríguez, Universidad de Los Llanos

Professional in Administration, Specialized in projects, Master in Administration, Doctorate in Management Administration, with technical knowledge in ICT and scientists and experience in the management and optimization of investment portfolio, Project management of different topics, the research areas are finance personal, corporate

Yeisson Bejarano Rodríguez, Corporación Universidad Minuto de Dios

Master in Economics and Finance from the Arturo Prat University of Chile, specialist in Project Management from the University of Tolima and professional in Economics from the University of Los Llanos. Director of the Postgraduate Unit and of the Financial Administration program, researcher of the Financial Administration Program of the Minuto de Dios University Corporation.

César Augusto Castellanos Linares, Corporación Universidad Minuto de Dios

Master in Economics and Finance from the Arturo Prat University of the State of Chile, Economist from the University of Los Llanos. He is currently a research professor of the Financial Administration program of the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, Villavicencio campus.

Professional experience of more than 14 years in public and private entities with training processes in formal and non-formal education, work with personnel in vulnerable conditions, customer service, income generation processes and credit analysis.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Rodríguez, G., Bejarano Rodríguez, Y., & Castellanos Linares, C. A. (2023). Return on investment in human capital and wage discrepancies by gender in the municipality of Villavicencio (Colombia) between 2008 and 2020. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 19(37).